
The cortexpy package consists of a python API and a command-line tool for working with Cortex graphs. Below, we start by looking at how to use the python API to perform an example workflow.

Using the python API to filter Cortex graphs

Building Cortex files

Let’s start by by creating two Cortex files to work with. At present, cortexpy does not provide a way to easily create a Cortex file, so we will instead use Mccortex. Mccortex can be compiled from source or installed using bioconda.

Let’s start by creating two FASTA files from which to create two Cortex files:

echo -e '>1\nAAAAA' > file1.fasta
echo -e '>1\nCCCCC' > file2.fasta

We now have two FASTA files each containing a single sequence. We can now build a Cortex graph from each file. We choose to use a kmer-size of 5:

mccortex 5 build --sort -k 5 --sample file1 -1 file1.fasta file1.ctx
mccortex 5 build --sort -k 5 --sample file2 -1 file2.fasta file2.ctx

We now have two cortex files: file1.ctx and file2.ctx. As the Cortex format represents colored De Bruijn graphs, we could have stored the information from the two FASTA files in a single graph as two separate colors. However, we are creating two files in order to demonstrate the cortexpy API later on.

We can check what kmers are stored in each graph using the cortexpy command-line tool:

> cortexpy view graph file1.ctx
AAAAA 1 ........

> cortexpy view graph file2.ctx
CCCCC 1 ........

This output tells us that each graph consists of a single kmer with coverage 1.

Inspecting Cortex graphs in Python

Cortexpy offers many ways to inspect Cortex files. Much of that functionality is available through the RandomAccess class. Let us start by loading a Cortex file inside python:

>>> from cortexpy.graph.parser.random_access import RandomAccess
>>> # make sure to open the cortex graph in binary mode
>>> ra = RandomAccess(open('file1.ctx', 'rb'))

We can now interrogate the ra object. Let’s see what the header size of the Cortex file is:

>>> ra.header.kmer_size

Let’s check if the kmer AAAAA exists in the graph and retrieve it:

>>> 'AAAAA' in ra
>>> ra['AAAAA']
Kmer(_kmer_data=KmerData(_data=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x00', kmer_size=5, num_colors=1, _kmer='AAAAA', _coverage=None, _edges=None), num_colors=1, kmer_size=5, _revcomp=None)

We can see that the returned kmer object contains information on the kmer size (5) and the number of colors stored in the kmer (1).

Now let’s put it all together and search both graphs that we created while Building Cortex files for our kmer of interest, AAAAA:

 from cortexpy.graph.parser.random_access import RandomAccess

 for graph in ['file1.ctx', 'file2.ctx']:
     # make sure to open the cortex graph in binary mode
     with open(graph, 'rb') as fh:
         ra = RandomAccess(fh)

         # let's see if our favorite kmer is in the graph
         if 'AAAAA' in ra:
             print(f'AAAAA exists in {graph}!')

This is what we see if we run this code from the command line:

> python3 search.py
AAAAA exists in file1.ctx!